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(2018) Application & Application form [ Application & Application form ](pic : Free-Photos / 9129, pixabay.com) ○ Initial Team Build-up : No more than 3 people max 3 persons comprise of 1 H/W developer or more, 1 S/W developer or more ※ Please note that 3D modeling, 3D printing, laser cutting, CNC engraving will be serviceable at Seoul IoT Center. → After team build-up process, we will build 15 teams (SME Team + Student Engineer Tea..
(2018) Seoul IoT Hackathon Subject [ Seoul IoT Hackathon Subject ] ○ Subject : Looking for your IoT ways to better facilities management in Seoul. - We want IoT sevices that enable better facilities management that can save time and resources and deliver better results. Today’s cities' facilities require smart solutions to face technological changes and citizens' life also changes heavily. City facility administrations find thems..
(2018) Seoul IoT Hackathon Seoul IoT Hackathon 1. Overview□ Hackathon Name : Seoul IoT Hackathon□ Organizers : SBA, Seoul Facilities Corporation, ARM, Daliworks□ Subject : Looking for your IoT ways to better facilities management in Seoul. - We want IoT sevices that enable better facilities management that can save time and resources and deliver better results. □ Date : 15 Sep. 2018 ~ 16 Sep. 2018□ Venue : Seoul IoT Cente..
(2018) Seoul IoT Hackathon :: Looking for your IoT ways to better facilites management in Seoul
(2018) Some Prototype example done by Seoul IoT Center You can ask our prototyping center for providing some prints for the Seoul IoT Hackathon. (Pic : 3D modeling requested by a company) (Pic : 3D modeling requested by a company) (Pic : 3D modeling requested by a company) (Pic : 3D printing requested by a company) (Pic : 3D modeling requested by a company) (Pic : 3D printing requested by a company) (Pic : 3D printing requested by a company) (Pic : ..
(2018) Support for case prototyping We support case prototyping for hackathon participants. 3D modeling and 3D printing are available. In addition to that, we can make case by using tools shown below. Numbers will be limited, materials show be supplied by the participants and should fill-in certain application form will be asked by specialists.
Introduction to Seoul IoT Hackathon
(2018) Manners during Seoul IoT Hackathon Seoul IoT Hackathon Manners Be cool to your fellow hackers, makers, developers and designers ! To do this, we want to reward those who represent the following values:Contribution: by assisting the commons, offering value, and in general by being useful.Sharing: by offering help, sharing code or expertise, or by assistance in testing, debugging or modeling.Openness: by asking good questions, by a..
(2018) Prizes Categories & Prizes (1) First Prize - KRW 2,000,000 (1 united team) (2) Second Prize - KRW 1,000,000 (2 united teams) (3) Third Prize - KRW 500,000 (2 united teams) (4) Good Leaders - Apple Watch, 2 people, each from a united team ※ 25 Startup VISA points(OASIS-6, prerequisite point) for team members of top 3 prize winners. Seoul Facilities Corporation will provide Proof of Concept chances for 2..

90, Digital-ro 9-gil, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
mail: 12000@12000.co Tel : +82-2-2135-5280
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90, Digital-ro 9-gil, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea https://seoulhackathon.tistory.com
mail: 12000@12000.co Tel : +82-2-2135-5280