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(2021) Prize and prize selection Prize : https://english.seoulhackathon.org/180Prize Selection : 60 points Professionals + 40 points (other teams vote) ※ Best Team Leader will be chosen by other teams. Additional 5 points will be given to MCU level AI hardware. ClassificationCriteriaPointsDifferentiation, originality∘ How your product/service is different? or unique?∘ Is the product/service good for market?10Excellence in proto..
(2020) Juding on site (5. Jan. 2020) 1. Judging Criteria Judge Evaluation(50%), Participants Evaluation (50%)Stickers will be issued to participants. CriteriaContents%Judge(50)Uniqueness, Differentiation· Uniqueness, Differentiation· Marketability20Quality of services and products· Function, Performance· % of completion10Usage of technology· quality of usage of technology10usage of the platform(Mbed, Cat.M1 and/or NB-IoT, Service C..
(2019) Prize and prize selection Prize : https://english.seoulhackathon.org/127Prize Selection : 50 points Professionals + 50 points (other teams vote) ※ Best Team Leader will be chosen by other teams. ClassificationCriteriaPointsDifferentiation, originality∘ How your product/service is different? or unique?∘ Is the product/service good for market?10Excellence in prototyping∘ How well working as it is designed?∘ How good techno..
(2018) Prize and prize selection Prize : http://english.seoulhackathon.org/6 Prize Selection : 50 points Professionals + 50 points (other united teams vote) + additional 20 points by Arm, Daliworks for 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize, Best collaboration united team ※ ※ Best Team Leader will be chosen by other united teams.

90, Digital-ro 9-gil, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
mail: 12000@12000.co Tel : +82-2-2135-5280
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90, Digital-ro 9-gil, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea https://seoulhackathon.tistory.com
mail: 12000@12000.co Tel : +82-2-2135-5280