Overview Overview News News Schedule Schedule workshops workshops Toolkit Toolkit Video Tutorial Video Tutorial Hackathon Hackathon Others Previous Hackathon 01_Overview/Subject (4) 썸네일형 리스트형 (2021) Subject : The use of ICT for the weak and unprivileged position in this increasingly contactless era (2020) Subject : The use of ICT for the weak and unprivileged position in this increasingly contactless era Where do you want to use ICT technologies ? Source : Linux Conf. Australia 2019 (CCL) (2020) Subject : LPWA(Low-Power Wide-Area) Wireless Technology The subject of this hackathon is LPWA (LPWA: Low-Power Wide-Area Wireless Technology). (2019) Seoul Hardware Hackathon Subject [ Seoul Hardware Hackathon Subject ] ○ Subject : The use of ICT for the weak and unprivileged position. Any weak situation doesn't matter. You might think you are in weak position, when you are in the dark coming back home. You might think you are weak when you are sick. etc. Please use ICT to overcome some problems. #SeoulHardwareHackathon, #Makerspace, #GCamp #Seoul, #SBA, #Gumcheon, #KICOX, #.. (2018) Seoul IoT Hackathon Subject [ Seoul IoT Hackathon Subject ] ○ Subject : Looking for your IoT ways to better facilities management in Seoul. - We want IoT sevices that enable better facilities management that can save time and resources and deliver better results. Today’s cities' facilities require smart solutions to face technological changes and citizens' life also changes heavily. City facility administrations find thems.. 이전 1 다음