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NB-IoT Shield Repository



 [CodeZoo NB-IoT] 


<Github Repository Website links>


Materials abuot Hardware, DataSheet, Schematics Page

- CodeZoo NB-IoT Guide(Manual), Lecture, Schematics Repo.

○ https://github.com/codezoo-ltd/NB-IoT_Hardware



Materials about Source Code & Example


- Arduino Repo.

○ https://github.com/codezoo-ltd/NB-IoT_Arduino


- ARM MbedOS Repo.



- Raspberry Pi Repo.

○ https://github.com/codezoo-ltd/NB-IoT_Raspberrypi




<Youtube tutorial links > It's in Korean. We will put subtitle on it. 


- [Arduino] Developing NB-IoT Devices using Arduino

(part 1)  https://youtu.be/Nd1LxodHQoA

(part 2)  https://youtu.be/6vBl45_VLgk

(part 3)  https://youtu.be/ESjjC8GcWRo

(part 4)  https://youtu.be/V0Ed8uqgKRc

(part 5)  https://youtu.be/-t4AiH7Ue4c


- [Arm MbedOS] Developing NB-IoT Devices using ARM MbedOS

(part 1)  https://youtu.be/15bU6OVwgxM

(part 2)  https://youtu.be/3UbcGzQjmu4

(part 3)  https://youtu.be/HCqE3W0WTvA

(part 4)  https://youtu.be/S7CkabiN7Ic

(part 5)  https://youtu.be/TpoKvxQXVZ4


- [Raspberry Pi] Developing NB-IoT Devices using Raspberry Pi

(part 1)  https://youtu.be/TppLWaLmUoo

(part 2)  https://youtu.be/m2Ej0NMHqTs

(part 3)  https://youtu.be/RZeeAvg8mlA


- [WorkShop] Workshop for developing NB-IoT Devices

(Day 1) https://youtu.be/ZT-ONRlIiUo

(Day 2) https://youtu.be/M8YqulRR2Go

(Day 3) https://youtu.be/MeQQPI6b_9k

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mail: 12000@12000.co Tel : +82-2-2135-5280