[Before and After Pics, WIZnet IoT Shield for Cat.M1]
<Github Repository Website links>
Landing Page
- WIZnet IoT shield Cat.M1 Repo. (Landing page)
○ https://github.com/Wiznet/wiznet-iot-shield-kr
Materials about Source Code & Documentation
- Arm Mbed Repo.
○ https://github.com/Wiznet/wiznet-iot-shield-mbed-kr
○ Documentation wiki: https://github.com/Wiznet/wiznet-iot-shield-mbed-kr/wiki
- Arduino Repo.
○ https://github.com/Wiznet/wiznet-iot-shield-arduino-kr
○ Documentation wiki: https://github.com/Wiznet/wiznet-iot-shield-arduino-kr/wiki
- Raspberry Pi Repo.
○ https://github.com/Wiznet/wiznet-iot-shield-raspberrypi-kr
○ Documentation wiki: https://github.com/Wiznet/wiznet-iot-shield-raspberrypi-kr/wiki
Materials about Hardware
- Hardware Materials Repo.
○ https://github.com/Wiznet/wiznet-iot-shield-hardware-kr
○ This includes, Pinout, layout, Schematic, Gerber, BOM and ...
<Youtube tutorial links >
- [WIZnet IoT Shield] Developing LTE Cat.M1-Enable Devices using Arm MBED https://youtu.be/bsrNez7uaf8
- [WIZnet IoT Shield] Developing LTE Cat.M1-Enable Devices using Arduino https://youtu.be/BCkNTRGBWxE
- [WIZnet IoT Shield] Developing LTE Cat.M1-Enable Devices using Raspberry Pi https://youtu.be/yERjOIvN7sE
-[WIZnet IoT Shield] LTE Cat.M1: TCP client Source Code https://youtu.be/qyOocQNyKRg