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[Tech Workshops] H/W and Device Management Platform (arm Mbed) & Cloud based IoT service platform (Daliworks ThingPlus)

H/W and Device Management Platform (arm Mbed) &  Cloud based IoT service platform (Daliworks ThingPlus)    

(1) Schedule and Program 

 ▪ Date : 21 Oct. 2017, 22 Oct. 2017, 28 Oct. 2017, 29 Oct. 2017,  4 Nov. 2017, 5 Nov. 2017 

 ▪ Sat. : Technical Workshop, Sun. : Technical Mentoring over each teams' projects regarding IoT Services 

※ Technical Mentoring  

1) Why?
 ▪ To ease difficulties during developing IoT product. 
 ▪ IoT specialists will help ease problems. 

2) Time and Place
 ▪ Sunday during tech workshop periods
 ▪ Time : 13:00 ~ 18:00
 ▪ Place : Seoul IoT Center

3) Topic
 ▪ Techincal Mentoring for real-projects of hackathon projects

(pic : hackNY.org, flickr)

(2) Place and Time

 ▪ Place : Seoul IoT Center (http://english.seoulhackathon.org/2)

 ▪ Time : 13:00 ~ 18:00

(3) Main Topic : Lectures for participants to use H/W and Device management  platform (arm MBED) and Cloud based IoT service platform (Thing+) easily to make planned IoT projects easily. 

(Pic: Nico Kaiser, flickr)

90, Digital-ro 9-gil, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
mail: 12000@12000.co Tel : +82-2-2135-5280
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90, Digital-ro 9-gil, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea https://seoulhackathon.tistory.com
mail: 12000@12000.co Tel : +82-2-2135-5280