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Technical Workshop 3rd Week. 3.23 SAT 2019


(1) Technical Workshop 


- Azure IoT Hub :  Mr. Shing Young Joo, Azure IoT specialist

 · Date/ Time : 2019.3.23(Sat) 13:00 ~ 18:00

 · Place : Makerspace  G

·Camp (https://english.seoulhackathon.org/123

 · EVK Board : u-Blox Odin EVK 262


 · Tutorial :  



- The K System : arm Pelion -> The K System (IoT Service Cloud)

 · Date/ Time :  2019.3.23(Sat) 18:00 ~ 19:30

 · Place : Makerspace  G

·Camp (https://english.seoulhackathon.org/123

 · EVK Board :  STM Discovery Kit, IoT node



 · Tutorial :   



   Presentation Material

The K System_From_Pelion_to_Service_Cloud_English.pdf
The K System_From_Pelion_to_Service_Cloud_Korean.pdf


※ This Sunday there will not be any workshop. but makerspace will be open to public. 


※ In the session this week, there will not be a course for hardware, This week targets for software. 




Reimbursement of Development Support


 - a. order deadline : before technical workshop this week

 - b. Proofs by the docs in the article  https://english.seoulhackathon.org/142

- c. Please send me proof doc. until 3.26(Tue) to gitaepak@sba.kr 


(3) Final Technical Mentoring (2019.3.29) Time will be noticed and can be changed from previous notice. 


(4) 3D Priniting, CNC milling, PCB and others


 - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdozjm2A8jtmOR0vmMKUZERdkziGsQn0GOWl_eQXp--GxfBEQ/viewform 에서 신청하세요. 

 - Phone call is available from Monday. Sorry for that. 


※ 3D Printing will be serviced till 31st March 2019.  


90, Digital-ro 9-gil, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
mail: 12000@12000.co Tel : +82-2-2135-5280
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90, Digital-ro 9-gil, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea https://seoulhackathon.tistory.com
mail: 12000@12000.co Tel : +82-2-2135-5280