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[SOS Session & More]

If you couldn't experience board  → mbed cloud, we will provide webEx session ( https://arm-onsite.webex.com/join/andcho01 )

If you have problem, then send email to Mr. Chong from Arm for help (Andrew.chong@arm.com)



If you have topics you want to deal during 3rd technical workshops, then leave a message at Seoul IoT Hackathon facebook group.


90, Digital-ro 9-gil, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
mail: 12000@12000.co Tel : +82-2-2135-5280
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90, Digital-ro 9-gil, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea https://seoulhackathon.tistory.com
mail: 12000@12000.co Tel : +82-2-2135-5280